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Scott County

4-H Friday Focus


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March 2021

Hello Finney and Scott 4-H!

Welcom to your weekly update of 4-H in and around West Plains and Kansas!  We have a new addition to our weekly update - "Superintendent Tidbits".  Good advice from our county fair superintendents on things to remember when getting ready for fair.  This week's advice is from Andrea Knoll, Finney County Goat Superintendent:

"Keep your goat between you and the judge:  To change the side of the goat you’re walking next to, do a roll turn.  If you’re walking clockwise with the lead in your right hand, just before you get to the judge, turn around the front of your goat and change to your left hand.  You can reach over your goat to set the legs that are on the far side from you.  Always set the legs closest to the judge first." 

"Be a good loser (or winner):  After the judge determines rankings, they explain their reasons for awarding placements as they did.  Listen closely to their reasons.  Regardless of your placing, congratulate the class winners and other owners who placed ahead of you.  If you won tell other class competitors good job!"

If you're not on Facebook, we have another way to stay in touch and up to date.  Have you checked out our YouTube Channel? Lots of great learning videos from all of our Agents!  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFRjy9M5WLfK7zb7MNWGX7A

We'd love to hear feedback from you about this listserve: helpful or not? Ideas for improvement? What is the best way of connecting with you and/or your club? Do you want to share your 4-H happenings with our District? 

As always, all programs are open to both Finney and Scott County 4-H'ers.  We hope to see you there!

